SerraGlaze daylighting window film is applied to the interior surface of the window. Serraglaze contains micro-structured “louvers” that convert glare into beneficial illumination by redirecting the incoming sunlight to the ceiling. The ceiling becomes a natural light fixture spreading full-spectrum natural diffuse daylight throughout the space!

With a SerraGlaze Integrated Daylighting Solution, occupants can enjoy more daylight, have reduced glare, and maintain their connection to the outside world with views out. Occupant comfort levels go up and electricity costs come down.  SerraGlaze is easily installed as a simple upgrade to the existing windows and in major retrofit and new construction projects. With SerraGlaze Daylighting Window Film, an Integrated Daylighting Solution is the Best Path to High Performance Buildings:

Energy efficiency – Savings of up to 75% on lighting electricity
Worker health and productivity – Productivity up by as much as 15%
Higher Building Value – Increased value by up to 13%
Rent premiums for Owners of Green buildings – Higher 5% to 9% Nationally